Plug in……

  • Children's Ministry

    Our children are the future of the church. Middleburg feels that starting our children in a loving and nurturing environment and bringing them up in sound christian doctrine is first and foremost. Middleburg accomplishes this through new, fun and exciting age appropriate curricula and activities.

  • Youth Ministry

    As a continuation of our Children’s Program, our Youth Programs focus on digging deeper into the Bible, God’s Word. Middleburg constantly updates our curriculum to meet the ever changing needs of our youth. Middleburg takes a special emphasis on apologetics (defending the Fatih) and preparing our youth for the world they will soon face.

  • Choir

    1 Peter 4:10 says we are called to use our gifts to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace. Peter was referring to spiritual gifts and Middleburg believes you should use any God given talent, including song, to praise God. Come join the choir for fun, fellowship and praise.

 Other places to plug in:

Sunday School- We feel it is very important for everyone to belong to a small group to grow in Christ and develop strong bonds. We have classes for all ages, birth and up.

Women on Missions- WOM meets the second Wednesday of each month after our dinner and fellowship. We invite all women and teen girls to attend. Throughout the year, WOM is active in local and global mission works. A woman on mission teaches and trains others to be on mission with her, to live lives marked by love, selfless service and live a life that glorifies God.

Brotherhood- Brotherhood meets the second Wednesday of each month after our dinner and fellowship. We invite all men and teen boys of the church to attend. Throughout the year, Brotherhood is active in local missions supporting our church and community. Our purpose is to encourage and equip the men and young men of our church to take up the challenge of living a Christ-filled life in all areas of their life (home, work, school, community and church).